
Your privacy and confidentiality

I respect your need for privacy and will always ensure this is maintained, so whatever you say within the art therapy session remains confidential, as well as the artwork you make during the sessions. The only time this would be different is if I have any concerns for your own safety or for the safety of others when I would need to act in accordance with the guidelines laid down by HCPC and BAAT. We can talk more about this during your first session.

You must give consent to take part in Art Therapy, and you can withdraw your consent at any time.

I will keep your artwork in a safe confidential place for you during sessions, and at the end of your therapy you can take your artwork home, or I can dispose of this confidentially for you.

Starting therapy may be unsettling at first, and it can be daunting to begin art making. Some people may feel that they are no good at art and feel vulnerable and exposed at first but in time this often changes for most people.